"Ms. T, you must be tired cuz you have bags under your eyes!" Um thanks....I'm too young for bags under my eyes! But I smiled and nodded.
I know I was tired and must have seriously looked it if that kiddo said that AND the janitor yelled down the hall for me to go get coffee as I looked like the sleep dead. Sheesh lol.
And then another funny thing; the teacher said if the class stayed on green the whole day, they could have recess (today is like Friday as tomorrow is statewide inservice). Well I told them this and same kiddo with the eye bag comment said, "Well that's good, because we need recess. Keeps us sharp you know!"
Silly second graders :) And then I checked my Facebook at lunch and saw I won $50 to my favorite store at our outlet mall. That made my day right there. I was going to go there tomorrow as it was, but now really can't wait to shop! Hope all of you had a great day today!
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