Fashion Tuesday

This is a first for me...talking about fashion! Maybe it's all the back to school ads and stuff but there are cute things out there :)

I got my first pair of Toms! I loooooove them too!

They're comfy! Love these black Toms.

I also went to my nearest Bass Outlet store (at the Outlet mall) and scored some comfy shoes too. They've got a slight heel but are cushioned inside. Plus I love slip ons.
They were on sale, 50% off!

For clothes? I hit up Old Navy (not at my outlets), Dress Barn, and a few other stores. I got a pair of slacks and some shirts. I still want a few more things though!

I got this nice white jacket from Eddie Bauer. Picture doesn't do it justice. Got it on the clearance rack for $14!

 Scored this from Dress Barn. Can't remember how much though.
I love the pattern and shape!

Then I have to have accessories! I love earrings. I've got a massive collection lol. And I'm getting into bracelets right now (now that my wrists are thinner!) and necklaces too!

I'm in love with this jewelry from Shabby Apple! This is called Anubis.
They have a ton of cute clothes and other things too!



  1. I love Toms! They are my new go to shoe! I have a red pair, and I plan on buy black for school ASAP! :)

    Carried Away in Kindergarten


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