Time Out Tuesday: Optimism

I think I've shared this before, but teachers always ask how I can be so optimistic and smiling, even after a tough day. Often I just shrug and smile, not really saying how. Because I have never really thought why I can still be optimistic on a bad day.

Today was tough (growling kinder class) but I was optimistic because it was only a half day. And I am looking forward to tomorrow in a sweet first grade class. And I just found out my 1/2 day tomorrow is a full day.

But this Tuesday started off 100% better than last Tuesday. I was in giggles this morning before leaving the house because I was yelling in the cupboards only to realize what I was looking for I had already put out on the counter.  Struck me funny and I burst out laughing.

So I leave you with a quote about optimism.

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, nothing can be done without hope and confidence." -- Helen Keller



  1. Wonderful story and quote. Thanks

    And I loved your hero story yesterday- very powerful.

  2. Thanks Tamara!

    I love Time Out Tuesday and am eagerly awaiting next week to figure out which quote I want to share :)

  3. Hi Miss T:

    I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I've read a lot of your posts... kind of like "catching up," I guess.
    Thanks for sharing your giggles and your tears with us.
    I hope you know that you're surrounded by a lot of caring BloggyBuddies.
    I am sending you warm, comforting thoughts this afternoon!

    BTW, I love the Helen Keller quote...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  4. Hi Kim!

    Aww thanks :) Those were kind words to come home to after a hectic day!

    Made me smile though :)

    Ms. T :)


Thanks for leaving me happy notes!

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